Sunday 22 November 2009

Pecha Kucha!

I am speaking about Take a ball of thread... at Pecha Kucha on Thursday 26 November at Red Rattler Theatre 6 Faversham St Marrickville. There are a bunch of interesting people speaking and as always should be an interesting and inspiring night!

I spoke at a Pecha Kucha in early 2007 before I started Take a ball of thread... and can safely say that the experience was one of the catalysts for starting the project. Speaking about my practice for Pecha Kucha (and editing it all down to 20 slides with 20 seconds of words per slide) meant I needed to address where I had been with my work and in turn, it made me realise where I wanted to go with it - although it was some 6 months after this that the pink ball of thread came into my life...
I am excited to have the opportunity of a return appearance!  I hope that it will give me the much needed impetus to get the ball rolling again (with apologies for that terrible pun...)

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